Sanctions training for humanitarian actors

Sale Price:€620.00 Original Price:€775.00

Across four Tuesdays in September/October 2024:

10, 17, 24 September and 1 October, 9:30 - 12:30 CEST, online, 12 hours, English.

20% early registration discount.

This course provides participants from the humanitarian community, and related fields, with a detailed grounding on contemporary global sanctions practices, and related regulations, such as counterterrorism.

Learn from sanctions and humanitarian affairs expert, Dr. Erica Moret about:

  • Introduction to sanctions and related regulations

  • Implications for International Humanitarian Law and principled humanitarian action

  • Direct humanitarian impacts on vulnerable populations

  • Financial sector de-risking, financial exclusion and humanitarian financing

  • Supply chains of essential goods and logistical bottlenecks

  • Risk mitigation strategies and policy/ tech solutions

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Navigate complex compliance environments in humanitarian spaces

The use of sanctions has exploded in recent years, now with an impact on most parts of the world and most sectors, including those operating in the humanitarian field and related areas (development, human rights, sustainable finance and the trade in essential goods).  This course builds capacity, raises awareness and fills knowledge gaps among professionals who need to navigate the increasingly complex compliance environment, particularly in humanitarian spaces.

In covering historical developments and latest trends, the course provides a detailed introduction to contemporary global sanctions practices (and related regulations). It covers different types of sanctions used by the United Nations, regional organisations (European Union, African Union and League of Arab States) and individual governments (US, UK, Canada and their growing use among emerging powers).  It also provides a grounding on the rising problem of financial sector “de-risking”, as well as “over-compliance” or the “chilling effect” among the wider private and not for profit sectors.

It highlights a range of risk mitigation strategies, policy developments and “tech for good” innovations that could help minimise impacts of sanctions and related regulations on those operating in contexts of humanitarian crises. 


What you’ll learn:

  • Introduction to sanctions and related regulations

  • Implications for International Humanitarian Law and principled humanitarian action

  • Direct humanitarian impacts on vulnerable populations

  • Financial sector de-risking, financial exclusion and humanitarian financing

  • Supply chains of essential goods and logistical bottlenecks

  • Risk mitigation strategies and policy/ tech solutions

This workshop is hands on. We make use of a variety of teaching tools, including case studies, group exercises and interaction with experienced practitioners and experts. Participants who successfully complete the workshop will receive a certificate of participation.


Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is designed for humanitarian and development actors, and those working in related fields. It is also suitable for researchers in academia and think tanks, legal practitioners, journalists, the tech community, professionals working on sanctions (or related topics) from across sectors (including governments, IOs, regional organisations, financial institutions, private sector, NGOs), and students preparing for a career in humanitarian action or on sanctions.

We offer discounts for multiple participants from the same organisation.

We also offer five subsidised places in each of our workshops to applicants from the Global South. Contact us below if you are interested in applying for a subsidised place in this workshop.


Meet the trainer

Dr. Erica Moret is a leading expert on sanctions, global security and humanitarian affairs and her work also includes a focus on migrant remittances, financial inclusion, “tech for good” and humanitarian financing. Her academic and policy work on sanctions includes research into Russia, Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea/ DPRK, Cuba, chemical weapons attacks, cyber security and modern slavery/ human trafficking. She holds a DPhil (Ph.D.) from the University of Oxford and is also a graduate of France’s Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA). She is Associate Editor of the Journal of Global Security Studies and Visiting Professor at Sciences-Po’s Paris School of International Affairs. A former diplomat, she serves as an independent expert to the United Nations, European Union and humanitarian organisations and has provided policy advice on sanctions to the US State Department, Treasury and Congress; Global Affairs Canada and both UK Houses of Parliament. Alongside running teaching and training courses on sanctions, she also coordinates the Geneva International Sanctions Network (GISN).

What do past participants say?

“This certification further enhances my expertise in understanding the complexities and challenges faced by organizations working in humanitarian contexts. It empowers me to develop proactive measures to ensure compliance and mitigate risks, while ensuring the vital work of humanitarian actors continues unimpeded. I am immensely grateful to Erica Moret for her invaluable work in this important field of studies on sanctions and for being one of the leading experts in this area. Her guidance and expertise have been instrumental in shaping my understanding and honing my abilities.”

- Shirin Golkar, Iran-Switzerland Chamber of Commerce

"After taking the Sanctions Training for Humanitarian Actors I had an even better understanding of how sanctions impact the delivery of humanitarian aid. Erica Moret is an excellent trainer, with extensive knowledge and experience working on different sanctions regimes, and as a practitioner I found that the course provided valuable and useful insights that were very applicable to my work."

- Willem Cant, International Rescue Committee, Kenya & Somalia


Still got questions? Email our workshops manager at, or schedule a chat.

Humanitarian training for sanctions policy practitioners