Geneva has a significant impact on international affairs, hosting a range of United Nations bodies, other international organizations (IOs), non-governmental organisations (NGOs), stakeholders, peace processes and global summits. While existing foundations and associations offer support to these actors and processes, there remains a gap against the weight of escalating global challenges.
PoliSync Centre for International Policy Engagement is an independent, not-for-profit association located in Geneva, Switzerland. It was created in 2022 to address a growing need for policy-making to be supported by sound research; for IOs, Member States and NGOs to connect with stakeholders and communities globally, and to foster increased common ground, dialogue and innovation among stakeholders working to address global challenges.
Bringing together experts that combine rigorous academic training; deep experience of engagement in international policy processes, and the latest data, digital and communications technology and tools, PoliSync was created to support evidence-based decision-making and international cooperation through policy analysis, data visualisation, capacity building and stakeholder engagement.