Introducing the ‘AI for social good’ webinar series

Help shape our new free-to-access webinar series, starting late April.

In partnership with CALP Network, Caux Initiatives of Change, Globethics, IOM Research, The Institute for Global Negotiation and The Lotus Flower, the AI for social good webinar series aims to provide insights and practical tools to help nonprofits:

  • Navigate the risks and fears associated with generative AI tools

  • Unlock opportunities to drive impact and efficiency through AI

  • Feel confident to use these tools responsibly

This survey takes about 7 minutes to complete and will close at 11:59pm GMT+1 on Tuesday 1 April.

Want to start learning about how you can integrate AI into your work right away?

Try out the free AI Compass for nonprofits tool. Complete a few questions and it will analyse your organization’s AI-readiness, providing insight into what capacity building is needed to help your organization leverage the benefits, and navigate the risks, of AI.

Want to find out more about the webinar series?

Register your interest for the webinar series, starting late April, here.

Generative AI tools create new content - text, images, music and more - based on the data they’re trained on, helping automate tasks that usually require human effort and creativity.

What is generative AI?