Dr. Erica Moret

Policy Director, PoliSync Centre for International Policy Engagement

  • Director, Forum for innovation in humanitarian payments

  • Managing Researcher of sanctions and sustainable peace hub, Geneva Graduate Institute

  • Senior Researcher: Global Governance Centre, Geneva Graduate Institute

  • Coordinator, Geneva International Sanctions Network (GISN)

Areas of expertise

  • International and targeted sanctions

  • Humanitarian affairs

  • Global peace and security

  • Global governance and UN reform

  • Policy engagement

  • Digital innovation

  • Financial inclusion


Dr. Erica Moret is the Policy Director at PoliSync Centre for International Policy Engagement. She also serves as a Senior Researcher at the Graduate Institute’s Global Governance Centre and Centre for Humanitarian Studies, and is co-founder and coordinator of the Geneva International Sanctions Network. She is Associate Editor of the Journal of Global Security Studies and serves as Visiting Professor at Sciences-Po’s Paris School of International Affairs. She holds a PhD from the University of Oxford and is a graduate of France’ Ecole Nationale d’ Administration. She is a widely published author in academic publications, has led policy research, high-level multi-stakeholder dialogues and executive training on sanctions, humanitarian impacts, remittances and financial sector de-risking for the European Union, Swiss Government, United Nations (OHCHR, UNICEF, UN-ESCWA, Office of the Special Envoy on Syria, OCHA, UN Secretariat, UNDP, and UNHCR) and international NGOs.

Spoken languages: English, French, Spanish

For media requests, please contact: e.moret@polisync.org

Latest Projects

  • Coordinator of EU DG ECHO-Swiss funded multi-stakeholder dialogues on de-risking as part of the “Presence, Proximity Protection Project” with NRC, Geneva Call, HI, ACF & MDM (covering protected humanitarian banking channels; digital innovations in the remittance market to aid financial inclusion; common stances among donors on the need to use hawala in humanitarian financing, political mechanisms to support humanitarian trade in financially excluded sanctioned countries and creation of a monitoring tool for humanitarian actors to capture sanctions’ impacts on their work)

  • Coordinator of UNDP study into impacts of private sector challenges on supply chains of food and related goods to Afghanistan 

  • Principal investigator: commissioned by the Norwegian Refugee Council, running a major study on humanitarian financing channels to Afghanistan (2021/2022).

  • Principal investigator, with T. Biersteker, Z. Hudakova and NRC, with GSPI funding, to update the UNSanctionsApp with a humanitarian section (2021/2022).

  • Project Coordinator of the Swiss Network of International Studies (SNIS)-funded project entitled “When Money Can’t Buy Food and Medicine: Banking Challenges in the International Trade of Vital Goods and their Humanitarian Impact in Sanctioned Jurisdictions"

  • Principle Investigator on UN-funded research project “Political Economy of Syrian Remittances"

  • Senior Researcher on the European Research Council (ERC) Project “Bombs, Banks and Sanctions”, responsible for planning Special Issue in a leading International Relations journal on the topic of sanctions, COVID-19, humanitarian access and international law.

Selected Publications

Media interviews and appearances

Appeared as part of a BBC Radio 4 documentary (37 mins) on sanctions called “The Cost of Economic War”, July 2022

Quote - "L'économie russe plie mais ne rompt pas" - La Liberté - 09 August 2022.

Quote - "Ukraine: quatre scénarios pour une guerre qui s’enlise" - Le Temps.

Quote - "Wie helpt Afghanistan de winter door?" - Die Standard - 23 November 2021.

Voice of America interview “Is European Unity on Iran Nuclear Deal Starting to Crack?”, 16 January 2020.

Interview – « Les sanctions américaines contournées » - Le Temps - 27 May 2020.

Interview – « Les sanctions internationales atteignent rarement leur but » - Alternatives Economiques - hors-série n° 119.

Parliamentary Testimonies & Governmental Hearings