Dr. Erica Moret
Policy Director, PoliSync Centre for International Policy Engagement
Director, Forum for innovation in humanitarian payments
Managing Researcher of sanctions and sustainable peace hub, Geneva Graduate Institute
Senior Researcher: Global Governance Centre, Geneva Graduate Institute
Coordinator, Geneva International Sanctions Network (GISN)
Areas of expertise
International and targeted sanctions
Humanitarian affairs
Global peace and security
Global governance and UN reform
Policy engagement
Digital innovation
Financial inclusion
Dr. Erica Moret is the Policy Director at PoliSync Centre for International Policy Engagement. She also serves as a Senior Researcher at the Graduate Institute’s Global Governance Centre and Centre for Humanitarian Studies, and is co-founder and coordinator of the Geneva International Sanctions Network. She is Associate Editor of the Journal of Global Security Studies and serves as Visiting Professor at Sciences-Po’s Paris School of International Affairs. She holds a PhD from the University of Oxford and is a graduate of France’ Ecole Nationale d’ Administration. She is a widely published author in academic publications, has led policy research, high-level multi-stakeholder dialogues and executive training on sanctions, humanitarian impacts, remittances and financial sector de-risking for the European Union, Swiss Government, United Nations (OHCHR, UNICEF, UN-ESCWA, Office of the Special Envoy on Syria, OCHA, UN Secretariat, UNDP, and UNHCR) and international NGOs.
Spoken languages: English, French, Spanish
For media requests, please contact: e.moret@polisync.org
Latest Projects
Coordinator of EU DG ECHO-Swiss funded multi-stakeholder dialogues on de-risking as part of the “Presence, Proximity Protection Project” with NRC, Geneva Call, HI, ACF & MDM (covering protected humanitarian banking channels; digital innovations in the remittance market to aid financial inclusion; common stances among donors on the need to use hawala in humanitarian financing, political mechanisms to support humanitarian trade in financially excluded sanctioned countries and creation of a monitoring tool for humanitarian actors to capture sanctions’ impacts on their work)
Coordinator of UNDP study into impacts of private sector challenges on supply chains of food and related goods to Afghanistan
Principal investigator: commissioned by the Norwegian Refugee Council, running a major study on humanitarian financing channels to Afghanistan (2021/2022).
Principal investigator, with T. Biersteker, Z. Hudakova and NRC, with GSPI funding, to update the UNSanctionsApp with a humanitarian section (2021/2022).
Project Coordinator of the Swiss Network of International Studies (SNIS)-funded project entitled “When Money Can’t Buy Food and Medicine: Banking Challenges in the International Trade of Vital Goods and their Humanitarian Impact in Sanctioned Jurisdictions"
Principle Investigator on UN-funded research project “Political Economy of Syrian Remittances"
Senior Researcher on the European Research Council (ERC) Project “Bombs, Banks and Sanctions”, responsible for planning Special Issue in a leading International Relations journal on the topic of sanctions, COVID-19, humanitarian access and international law.
Selected Publications
Moret, Erica (2024) “The developing role of national tri-sector groups in addressing financial sector derisking”, Norwegian Refugee Council, October, Dialogue Series on Solutions to Bank Derisking, January.
Moret, Erica (2024) “Preface”, Bultrini, Antonio., Giumelli, Francesco., Portela, Clara., Sossai, Mirko., International Sanctions in Practise: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, 1st Edition, Abingdon.
Moret, Erica (2023) “Mitigating Financial Sector Derisking through Innovation: The Role of Digital Technologies in Humanitarian Fund Transfers”, Norwegian Refugee Council, October, Dialogue Series on Solutions to Bank Derisking, October.
Moret, Erica (2023) "Effectiveness of Humanitarian Exceptions to Sanctions: Lessons from the Syria Earthquake”, Carter Center, 11 July.
Moret, Erica (2023) “Use of Money or Value Transfer Services by Non-Governmental Organisations”, Norwegian Refugee Council, January, Dialogue Series on Solutions to Bank Derisking, June.
Moret, Erica (2023) “Safeguarding Humanitarian Banking Channels: How, Why and by Whom?", Norwegian Refugee Council, January, Dialogue Series on Solutions to Bank Derisking, January.
Moret. Erica (2023) 'Barriers to Afghanistan's critical private sector recovery', Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Olso.
Moret, Erica (2022) "Options for a Peace Settlement for Ukraine: Option Paper XVII – Sanctions Relief and Security Guarantees in the Ukraine Conflict”, Opinio Juris, 5 November.
Moret, Erica (2022) "Sanctions relief and security guarantees in the Ukraine conflict”, Ukraine Options Paper, Cambridge Initiative on Peace Settlements, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge, 5 November.
Moret, Erica (2022) "A New Page in Global Sanctions Practice: The Russian Case”, The Weaponisation of Economics, Global Challenges, Article 3, Issue number 11, November.
Moret, Erica (2022) ‘More Civilian Pain than Political Gain (Again?): The Demise of Targeted Sanctions and Associated Humanitarian Impacts’, in Andrea Charron and Clara Portela (eds) Multilateral Sanctions Revisited: Lessons Learned from Margaret Doxey, McGill Queen's University Press, Kingston.
Moret, Erica (2022) “A lifeline under threat? Syrian household remittances in light of sanctions, de-risking, the COVID-19 pandemic & regional developments”, UN-ESCWA, National Agenda for the Future of Syria (NAFS) Phase II.
Cardwell, Paul James & Moret, Erica (2022) “The EU, Sanctions and Regional Leadership”, European Security, June.
Moret, Erica (2022) ‘What is the Role of Financial Sanctions in Tackling Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking?’, Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking Initiative (FAST), United Nations University Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR),
Moret, Erica (2022), “Sanctions and the Costs of Russia’s War in Ukraine”, International Peace Institute, 12 May.
Pelter, Zoë, Teixeira, Camila & Moret, Erica (2022) Sanctions and their Impact on Children, UNICEF, February.
Moret, Erica (2022) "Life and Death: NGO access to financial services in Afghanistan", Norwegian Refugee Council, January,
Batmanghelidj, Esfandyar & Moret, Erica (2022) "The Hidden Toll of Sanctions:Why Washington Must Reckon With the Devastating Inflation Its Policies Cause”, Foreign Affairs, January 17,
Erica Moret (2021) "When should the United States use hard-hitting sectoral and financial sanctions?", The Global, 5 November
Erica Moret (2021) “The role of sanctions in Afghanistan’s humanitarian crisis”, International Peace Institute, 14 October
Zuzana Hudáková, Thomas Biersteker and Erica Moret (2021) “Sanctions relaxation and conflict resolution: Lessons from past sanctions regimes”, Carter Center, October
Grégoire Mallard, Jin Sun and Erica Moret (2021), “Le souci des populations sous sanctions : Un défi pour la gouvernance de la santé mondiale à l’ère du coronavirus”, Savoir Agir, 15 October
Erica Moret & Karl Blanchet (2021) “Sanctions on Afghanistan: Why less is more”, the New Humanitarian, 30 September
Karl Blanchet, Grégoire Mallard, Erica Moret, Jin Sun. (2021) "Sanctioned countries in the global COVID-19 vaccination campaign: the forgotten 70%". Conflict and Health 15, 69. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13031-021-00404-2
Moret, Erica (2021). "Time to act: harmonizing global initiatives and technology-based innovations addressing de-risking at the interfacing sanctions-counterterrorism-humanitarian nexus", International sanctions: improving implementation through better interface management. - Berlin : Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 2021. - P. 74-82
Moret, Erica (2021). "Part I, Chapter II: Unilateral and extraterritorial sanctions in crisis: implications of their rising use and misuse in contemporary world politics". Research Handbook on Unilateral and Extraterritorial Sanctions. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Portela, Clara & Moret, Erica (2020) “The EU’s Chemical Weapons Sanctions Regime: Upholding a Taboo under Attack” (EUISS Brief, 31 July). https://www.iss.europa.eu/content/eu’s-chemical-weapons-sanctions-regime
Dahler, Joseph & Moret, Erica (2020) “Invisible Sanctions: How over-compliance limits humanitarian work on Syria”, July, https://www.impact-csrd.org/invisible-sanctions/
Moret, Erica, Giumelli, Francesco, Van Horenbeeck, Maarten & Bozhkov, Nikolay (2019) “Chapter 1: Navigating the Stars: Ten Questions to Make Cyber Sanctions More Effective” in Pawlak, Patryk & Biersteker, Thomas (eds.) Guardian of the Galaxy: EU Cyber Sanctions and Norms in Cyberspace. EUISS, Chaillot Report, pp 13-20.
Moret, Erica, Giumelli, Francesco & Bozhkov, Nikolay “Chapter 3: Space Exploration: Mapping the EU’s Cyber Sanctions Regime” in Pawlak, Patryk & Biersteker, Thomas (eds.) Guardian of the Galaxy: EU Cyber Sanctions and Norms in Cyberspace. EUISS, Chaillot Report, pp 21-32.
Moret, Erica, Giumelli, Francesco & Van Horenbeeck, Maarten “Galactic Collision: Cyber Sanctions and Real-World Consequences” in Pawlak, Patryk & Biersteker, Thomas (eds.) Guardian of the Galaxy: EU Cyber Sanctions and Norms in Cyberspace. EUISS, Chaillot Report, pp 79-86.
Moret, Erica (2019) “Written Evidence, UK House of Commons, Global Britain: The future of UK sanctions policy inquiry”, 23 January.
Moret, E. & Pothier, F. (2018) "Sanctions After Brexit" Survival, Global politics and Strategy, 60:2, pp. 179-200.
Moret, E., Evidence provided to the UK House of Lords EU External Affairs Sub-Committee on post-Brexit sanctions policy and defence/ security cooperation with the EU, July 2017.
Moret, Erica & Pawlak, Patryk (2017) “The EU Cyber Diplomacy Toolbox: Towards a Cyber Sanctions Regime”. European Union Institute for Strategic Studies (EUISS)", Brief No. 24. 12 July.
Moret, Erica & Shagina Maria (2017) “The impact of EU-Russia tensions on the economy of the EU” in Kulesa, Lukasz, Timofeev, Ivan & Dobbs, Joseph (eds.), Damage assessment: EU-Russia relations in crisis, Chapter 2: 17-24, European Leadership Network, London.
Moret, Erica, Giumelli, Francesco & Bastiat-Jarosz, Dawid (2017) Sanctions on Russia: Impacts and Economic Costs on the United States. Programme for the Study of International Governance, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, 20 March: Russian Sanctions Report.
Moret, Erica, Biersteker, Thomas, Giumelli, Francesco, Portela, Clara, Veber, Maruša, Jarosz, Dawid & Bobocea, Cristian (2016). "The new deterrent? International sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine crisis: Impacts, costs and further action". Programme for the Study of International Governance, Graduate Institute, Geneva. 12 October.
Moret, E (2016) “Effective minilateralism for the EU: what when and how”. European Union Institute for Security Studies Brief, No. 17. EUISS, Paris: June 03.
Moret, E. (2016) “Europe or the open sea? Brexit and European security”. European Council on Foreign Relations. Commentary, 21 April.
Moret, E. (2016) "What would Brexit mean for EU sanctions policy?". European Council on Foreign Relations. Commentary, 23 March.
Biersteker, T. & Moret, E. (2015) "Rising powers and reform of the practices of international security institutions" in Gaskarth, J. (ed.), Rising Powers, Global Governance and Global Ethics. Routledge, London: 57-73.
Moret, E.S. (2015) "Humanitarian Impacts of Economic Sanctions on Iran and Syria" in European Security. Vol 24. Issue 1.
Luengo-Cabrera, J. & Moret, E. (2015) "Sanctions Against Iran: The Role of Pivotal Rising Powers". European Union Institute for Security Studies Brief, No. 25. EUISS, Paris: July 10.
Moret, E. S. (2014) “United Nations Targeted Sanctions as a Tool of Conflict Prevention”. Proceedings of the 19th International Humanitarian Conference, Geneva.
Moret, E. S. (2012) "Hegemony, Identity and trans-Atlantic Modernity: Afro-Cuban Religion (Re)politicisation and (De)legitimisation in the post-Soviet Era". Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture. 27: 3: 333 – 350.
Moret, E. S. (2012) "Trans-Atlantic Diaspora Ethnobotany: Legacies of West African and Mediterranean Migration in Central Cuba". In Voeks, R. & Rashford, J. African Ethnobotany in the Americas. Springer.
Moret, E. S. (2008) "Afro-Cuban Religion, Ethnobotany and Healthcare in the Context of Global Political and Economic Change". Bulletin of Latin American Research. 27: 3: 333 – 350.
Moret, E. S. (2008) "A History of US Military Interventions and Invasions in Latin America since 1750" in Stearns, P. N. (ed) Oxford Encyclopaedia of the Modern World: 1750 to the Present. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Moret, E. S. (2008) "Piracy: Causes and Solutions" in Stearns, P. N. (ed) Oxford Encyclopaedia of the Modern World: 1750 to the Present. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Moret, E. S. (2008) "The Caribbean: An Introduction" in Stearns, P. N. (ed) Oxford Encyclopaedia of the Modern World: 1750 to the Present. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Moret, E. S. (2008) ‘Religious Syncretism’ in Stearns, P. N. (ed) Oxford Encyclopaedia of the Modern World: 1750 to the Present. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Mertl-Millhollen, A. S., Moret, E. S., Felantsoa, D., Rasamimanana, H., Blumenfeld-Jones, K. C., Jolly, A. (2003) "Ring-Tailed Lemur Home Ranges Correlate with Food Abundance and Nutritional Content at a Time of Environmental Stress" International Journal of Primatology, Volume 24, Issue 5, pp 969-985, October.
Media interviews and appearances
Appeared as part of a BBC Radio 4 documentary (37 mins) on sanctions called “The Cost of Economic War”, July 2022
Quote - "L'économie russe plie mais ne rompt pas" - La Liberté - 09 August 2022.
Quote - "Ukraine: quatre scénarios pour une guerre qui s’enlise" - Le Temps.
Quote - "Wie helpt Afghanistan de winter door?" - Die Standard - 23 November 2021.
Voice of America interview “Is European Unity on Iran Nuclear Deal Starting to Crack?”, 16 January 2020.
Interview – « Les sanctions américaines contournées » - Le Temps - 27 May 2020.
Interview – « Les sanctions internationales atteignent rarement leur but » - Alternatives Economiques - hors-série n° 119.
Parliamentary Testimonies & Governmental Hearings
United States Congress: “Considerations on Economic Sanctions, Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, 4 October 2022: https://humanrightscommission.house.gov/events/hearings/considerations-economic-sanctions
United States Treasury: Feedback to the US Treasury Sanction Review, 2021: https://theglobal.blog/2021/11/05/when-should-the-united-states-use-hard-hitting-sectoral-and-financial-sanctions/
European Parliament: Public Hearing, The notion of EU sanctions against third countries – a legal perspective, Examples of EU sanctions against Russia and Belarus in the context of the aggression against Ukraine, 5 December 2022: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/cmsdata/258979/juri-hearing-sanctions-russia-programme.pd
Canadian Senate: Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development, 6 June 2023, 44th Parliament, 1st Session: https://www.mccarthy.ca/en/insights/blogs/terms-trade/senate-releases-report-calling-canadian-government-fix-its-sanctions-regime
Canadian House of Commons: Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development, FAAE (44-1), No. 69, June 2023.
UK House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee: Fragmented and incoherent: the UK’s sanctions policy, Seventeenth Report of Session 2017–19 (2019), written evidence: https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201719/cmselect/cmfaff/1703/1703.pdf
UK House of Lords: EU External Affairs Su-Committee on post-Brexit sanctions policy and defence/ security cooperation, 2017, written evidence: http://data.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/committeeevidence.svc/evidencedocument/eu-external-affairs-subcommittee/brexit-sanctions-policy/written/70456.pdf
UK Select Committee on Arms Export Controls: Strategic Export Controls and Russia - Oral evidence, 7 December 2022: https://committees.parliament.uk/event/16061/formal-meeting-oral-evidence-session/